BG Control Testing

Thu, 01/31 by cmurtaugh

Starting February 1st we will begin regular control testing of all glucometers in use at CHS. The process is very simple, and involves placing a drop of control solution on a non-porous surface (not your finger) and drawing it into the test strip as you would blood. The result is checked against the control range on the bottle of test strips. Control testing will be done with the monthly bag checks at the beginning of each month, whenever a new bottle of test strips is put into use, and in... read more

Patient Signature Clarifications

Sat, 12/22 by cmurtaugh

There has been some confusion regarding which patients can sign for themselves on our Claim Authorization Form. DC Jarrett, AC Manzo, Lt. Flickner, and Billing Manager Cook met and came up with the following in an effort to clarify some of the guidelines. While we know GCS is not the best scale for these purposes, it is the only one we have at this point. Every patient with a GCS of 15 regardless of medical history, i.e. dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc... shall sign in section 1 of... read more

ECD Observation Shifts

Sun, 10/28 by cmurtaugh

IMPORTANT:  See below for an attached PDF. Please print this form and bring it with you to your shift. Once signed/completed, return it (paper or PDF) to Gabrielle Hergert.  ECD is located at 321 West Main Street, Rochester NY 14608. This is at the intersection of West Main & Broad/Ford Streets. For those that are familiar, it is directly across the street from the original Nick Tahou’s. Parking is available in front of the building. Enter off West Main St. across from... read more

Response to Pri 4 Falls – General Order 5.18.03

Sat, 10/13 by cmurtaugh

Effective immediately, the following changes will be made to our responses to all Priority 4 falls (the 17 EMD Card) 1. The closest ambulance will be sent to the scene. When resources allow a BLS ambulance may be dispatched along with an ALS crew. The decision to send a BLS resource as well as the ALS resource will be at the discretion of the communications specialist on duty or the duty officer. 2. If a BLS resource is dispatched and an ALS crew determines there is a need for the BLS... read more

Medic Assistant Position

Sat, 10/13 by cmurtaugh

To offer additional opportunities for folks to volunteer, the Board has approved a Medic Assistant position. They can assist to the level they are trained. The minimum training will be CPR and First Aid. Current EMT students Jeff Small, Hayden Schermerhorn, and Cindy Kenney, will be transitioning from Base Attendant to Medic Assistant. Shortly they will have a training book and be taking shifts. As discussed at the Staff meeting, they are not required to ride with FTOs, so if a Medic... read more

Pediatric SPO2 Change

Sat, 10/13 by cmurtaugh

Recent information has shown the excessive and unnecessary use of these probes. Therefore, the Pediatric SPO2 probes will now be stocked in the Pediatric bags instead of the cardiac monitor bags. Additionally, restock will be moved to a locked cabinet at Henrietta, and limited supplies will be available at the Chili and Caledonia stations. Any use of a Pediatric SPO2 probe will now require notification to the on-duty Officer. The Officer will then facilitate obtaining restock. This is an... read more

0500 and 2200 Shift End Times

Sat, 10/13 by cmurtaugh

The off-going crews without relief, (0500 and 2200) are in the rotation until their shift ends. So, if a call comes in at 0459 or 2159, those crews are expected to take a call. You can NOT punch out early, and you are expected to stay until the shift ends and be ready to take a call. While it is uncommon to need those resources after the end time, there are times that a surge in calls could occur and you will need to be prepared to stay over if a call comes in before the end of the shift.

emsCharts Mileage

Thu, 10/11 by cmurtaugh

As some of you are aware the geocoding functionality within emsCharts has not been working properly. This is causing very serious issues with correct calculations of loaded mileages for transported patients. Nearly 100% of the charts with mileage are being calculated incorrectly. emsCharts is actively working on a resolution to this issue, however, they are not able to provide an ETA on the resolution. It may be a week or weeks. This obviously poses several issues and is creating a... read more

StarRewards Update

Thu, 10/11 by cmurtaugh

If you would like to purchase something that would normally go through the Uniform Request Form using your CHS Star Rewards Points, please submit it first using the CHS Star Rewards Points Redemption Form. Once I have received that I will put in a Uniform Request on your behalf and provide Peg the information needed to process the order when we receive the invoice. If you have any questions about this process or your rewards points please reach out. Hopefully that will clear the air on all...

CHS Benefits Meeting

Thu, 10/11 by cmurtaugh

November 6th @ 1800 GMR will be here to go over the changes and additions to our benefits. This meeting is not mandatory, but you should make every effort to attend.
