Priority 1 Calls
I’ve seen a bit of “drift” occurring that I would like to see adjusted. On arrival at a priority one call the paramedic needs to exit the vehicle, take the primary response bag and go to the patient. The driver should get the monitor and ALS bag and if the FD is already there bring the gurney, as the apparatus driver is supposed to be awaiting the arrival of the ambulance. If the ambulance arrives first, the driver simply brings the monitor and ALS bag to the patient. This process can... read more
Imagine how cold your run of the mill elderly patient is in the comfort of their own home. Now, envision how chilly they feel wearing only their normal clothes (no coat, generally) when we take them outside on a stair chair or a gurney. Please remember to focus on patient warmth. If you only have two light blankets on your gurney this winter, there’s so much more you could be doing. Here are some tips to consider for patient warmth: Load up on blankets. Bring at least 3 into the home with you... read more
Dual Sequential Defibrillation
Information as presented at the meeting is below. Per Dr. Cushman, DSD should be performed at the maximum joules setting, 200J for our monitors. Also, to avoid confusion when the new protocols are released, we should only be performing this intervention with online med control orders. This is different than was presented in the document below since it was created prior to the protocol decision. All patients receiving this treatment should be transported.
Calling back in Service when a Brighton Amb is staging
Just a reminder, when a rig is staging for us, we should not be releasing the staged resource, unless we have an asset closer than the staged asset. We engaged the mutual staging agreement to not only assure coverage for our respective towns, but to assure reduced response times. When Brighton is staging they are “typically” closer than any of our rigs leaving the hospital, there are some exceptions of course. I ask that you consider your location, relative to the staged resource and assure the... read more
EMS Memorial Service
The annual EMS Memorial Service honoring our fallen EMS providers is scheduled for May 19 at 1pm in Albany, NY. There is a sign-up sheet in dispatch. I encourage you to attend this event to support our fellow EMS providers and their families. Please sign up by May 1, 2015 so that we can be sure we have ample transportation.
CHS Dispatch Change on 12/28
Starting on 12/28, there will be some changes as CHS comes on line with ECD. A full explanation of the changes will be sent out tomorrow, however here are a few things to know. The changes are the result of the work done by the Operations Section - Systems Status Management Branch. 1) The change to CHS will occur on or about 8am on Wednesday 12/28 2) All calls will be labeled HENE until the CAD is reset on 1/4/2017 at which time they will be labeled CHSE 3) If you still have a digital... read more
EZ Mover Maintenance
The EZ-Mover needs to be replaced if it is damaged, frayed, cut, or soiled. The unit can be washed in the utility sink and then air dried. Please do not place the EZ-Mover in the washing machine or the dryer.
VerMed ECG Electrode Evaluation Form
Take the Survey
Effective Patient Handoff
There are two videos that will assist us in improving patient handoff. The videos are located on line, click here. They are informative and will assist us in providing a good report to the hospital staff. There are two versions one for EMS the other for hospitals as this is being rolled out at area hospitals as well. I encourage you to watch both, as they are both very well done!! Remember this is a work in progress as this is a culture shift. Work with it, learn from it, and our patient care... read more
Decadron & D10
Within the next few days, we will be switching from SoluMedol to Decadron and from D50 to D10. Attached are some slides that will clarify their usages and indications. Please review them ASAP. Decadron: Given as 1 dose of 10mg/1mL IV/IM/IO for asthma, allergic reaction, and COPD exacerbation. Replaces SoluMedrol in the current MLREMS protocol due to the inability to procure SoluMedrol; there is a nationwide shortage. D10: We do not have the premixed D10 bags in stock yet, so we will be mixing... read more